Bar Down Hockey Cape Breton Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

​Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register?
The best method is to register online.  Please complete the online form and submit.

Is there contact in 3 on 3 or 1 on 1?
Actual Checking is not allowed in 3 on 3. However, depending on the age and skill of the kids, we do allow some incidental contact.

Is this for REP players only?
Absolutely Not!  3 on 3 is for everyone interested in improving their game and having some fun while doing so.  We have both house and rep players from all divisions playing 3 on 3. (novice to midget/high school)

At what age can someone start playing 3 on 3?
Currently we have kids ranging in age from 6 to 12 years of age and all skill sets.  If he or she is able to skate then they are able to play 3 on 3.

Is there a girls division?
Well that would depend on the number of girls registered and their ages. Currently there is a number of girls playing but they are playing with the boys.  They are matched and place just like the boys.  Size and Skill against Size and Skill.

What level is the hockey?
Because this is 3 on 3 and every shift is 1 minute in length we are able to control who plays against who.  There could be rep players and house players on the same team but again they would only play against kids on opposing teams of the same skill and size.  However, it should be noted that everyone will be expected to elevate their game and work hard in challenging situations.

When does it start?
The SPRING SESSION normally would begin around the end of March, right after minor hockey ends.  It will normally last about 5 or 6 weeks.  The SUMMER SESSION normally would begin around mid August and fininsh mid September, just before minor hockey starts.

If you are new to the organization, please select No to the returning player option and fill out the form.


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